Tool reflection bas tab
Tool reflection bas tab

tool reflection bas tab

A pandemic and the social reckoning emerging from our nation finally confronting and engaging in a dialogue about racism, sexism, economic disparity, and climate change all serve as a clarion call for more action, for tikkun hanefesh. This year, I venture to say that we have all done more than out share of the introspection, reflection, and moral accounting that defines heshbon hanefesh. This is the first step of the process of teshuvah, of repentance. Taking stock of our actions and inactions can be a tool to examine our attitudes, prejudices, and shortcomings. Gain new tools to support the mental health and wellnes of young people on your campus with a free webinar series from the San Diego County Office of Education in partnership with Scripps Health and the Transforming Mental Health Initiative at Rady Children's Hospital.Ĭarey's post-verse bass drum pattern expertly accelerates from quarter-notes through eighth, triplets, semi-quavers and into 32nd-notes, giving us not only some excellent listening, but a bass drum workout exercise to boot! Jump to the 3:30 mark, and you're rewarded with a series of fills that - with the snares off - make every note defined before Carey explodes with one of his trademark 'where's the one?' grooves.Įvery year, as we get to the month of Elul, I engage in heshbon hanefesh, the accounting of the soul, the moral stock-taking needed to reflect upon the past year. Curtis Music \| ASCAP Composer's webpage: Facebook: Instagram:

tool reflection bas tab

With textures ranging from swirling delay soaked guitars mixed with moving melodies, to grooving bass and drums with raging distorted guitars, Reflections will be a hit at your next rock / metal gig.Duration: 8'33" Copyright 2018 \| Nathan C. The vocal / violin or cello parts really add depth and emotion to the piece.


Bass guitar with TablatureReflections is full of time signature changes (144 to be exact) and ready to test your counting skills.

Tool reflection bas tab