Sugaroo – Sugaroo was established in 2020, their warehouse is also in Huizhou. in the beginning they put their warehouse in Hangzhou, now their warehouse address is in Huizhou. Wegobuy – They started their Taobao shopping business in 2019, not long ago. In most cases, we use their Huizhou warehouse address. It provides two warehouse addresses, one in Huizhou, Guangdong Province, and one in Hong Kong. Superbuy – Superbuy is not a long-established agent, it was founded in 2016, but its former company, dotdotbuy, was founded in 2012.

Here is the basic information I have gathered about these top agents: So I am not going to put a new agent into my list, no matter how tempting he said. I personally prefer taobao agents running stable for more than 2 years, I have seen many new agents in various forums, publish tempting ads to attract customers, when the number of customers and the amount of money reach to a certain point, they will shut down their website, and run away with the money. When I pick a Taobao agent, the first thing to look at is the basic information of these agents, mainly includes the years of foundation, history and warehouse address of these agents. ✅ Basetao: Another budget-friendly agent, their air express options like UPS and DHL are the cheapest.

Can be ok if you don’t mind customer service too much. ✅ Cssbuy: Has low shipping rates and exchange rate losses, but has mediocre customer support. ✅ Sugaroo: It is just as good as Pandabuy, but if I have to choose one between them, I will choose Pandabuy because it’s website is simpler and cleaner. Shipping is a little more expensive than Cssbuy and Basetao, but offers better customer service and 0 service fee. ✅ Pandabuy: A great budget option that performed well in my comparison. ✅ Superbuy: A great all-around option if you want premium service and extensive shipping options.